Will the UglyMicheleMobile be back in production the next time the Cubs win a playoff series?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Update to UglyMichelePunchingGame!

A new rule has been enacted. Anyone who spots any of the UglyMicheleMobiles featured on this blog is entitled to punch someone in the leg.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sub delivery

This UglyMicheleMobile was spotted at Quizno's near Jacksonville, Illinois off I-72.

Stephen King writes about UglyMicheleMobile

In his book "Just After Sunset," which is a compilation of short stories, Stephen King has a story called "Rest Stop" in which the PT Cruiser is a plot point.


This UglyMicheleMobile was sighted in the Chicago suburbs, belonging to a contractor for a local cable company...